x_pos and y_pos of a task

Hello, Where is the x_pos and y_pos of a task? It is at the tip of the teardrop or is it at the center of the circle of the teardrop? Thanks!

x_pos and y_pos of a task

Hello, Where is the x_pos and y_pos of a task? It is at the tip of the teardrop or is it at the center of the circle of the teardrop? Thanks!

How to check the last modified using api end point

Is there a way to check last activity done and who did it using api endpoint

How to check the last modified using api end point

Is there a way to check last activity done and who did it using api endpoint

Task and Attachments relationship

Hi, I don't see attachments related to tasks in a project when making requests for "Get task by ID" and "Get all tasks in project". Is there a way to list all attachments related to a task? Thanks!

Can I create new Symbols in in the tool box to use

![]( I would like to add additional security symbols. Please let me know how or if we can.

Attachment exports

Is the there an option to bulk export attachments (photos, files, etc) using the API? There does not appear to be one under the attachment section of the reference guide.

Can you add a folder with information for all active projects with one step?

Can you add a folder with information for all active projects with one step?

Can you add a folder with information for all active projects with one step?

Can you add a folder with information for all active projects with one step?

Plan Export - Different sizes

Why does the plan export (full sized plans) either done via the Plan tab or via task reports, generate the plans as different sizes? when exporting large amounts of plans i have to constantly toggle between zooming in and out as I go down the pages.