Issue in create attachment API
I am using create new attachment API "https://client-api.{region}{project_id}/attachments" to upload a document to Fieldwire.
Is there any API call where I can get the attachments by project and folder also?
how to create a new task_types record
Hi, trying to create a new task_types record so we can make the visibilty of task_type_attributes specific to a category.
Use the JWT to access EU
I have a project hosted on the European servers but I can't use the api to access it.
Is there an API to get all the watchers of all tasks in a Project
I'm looking for an API similar to{project_id}/tasks/tags but instead of returning the tag ids it returns the user ids. Is this a possibility? Currently it appears there isn't even an OpenAPI documented way of collecting the users watching a specific task.
Unable to generate a task through httpclient
I am trying to generate a task using HttpClient. When i do this on the API Reference sandbox, this works fine. I copy the relevant code into my project with the same body and headers and i keep getting a 422 error returned.
I would like to get 'categories' I think they're called.
How do get actual non meta data for a project?
I want to know firestopping, client will address etc. I see they are in the 'categories' section of the report builder. But I can't find them in the brief explanations in the API quick introduction. Is there a more in-depth guide to the API; besides the brief API guide and reference listed above?
Getting the JID for the report
I would like to retrieve a report through the API but it is asking for a JID and I don't know how to generate one.
Unable to make calls to API
I am trying to use the API Reference docs to try the Create Project API endpoint. When i am adding my API Token, the regex is failing, as i assume this is looking for a 40 character string and I am receiving a 64 character string from the API Token. The only response I get when i press the "Try Me!" button is a 401: not authorized response. I have tried this with multiple generated tokens and am having the same issue each time. I have also tried running this in postman and am getting a similar issue.
what does this error mean?
Entity not found: (Active) Project with ids