Sauvegarde des fiches pré-remplies
Existe-t-il un moyen de sauvegarder les fiches pré-remplies à partir d'un modèle de formulaire?
Endpoint All Active Projects of an Account
Currently there is an end point to get all projects of an account, which is great but, it would be nice if there another end point to get all active projects of an account.
Lookup Tables and Values
I've been working with the Fieldwire API for a long time now but the one thing I am wishing it had was a lookup table or a document that provided this information.
created link related with two drawing
I would like created a task link on two reference drawing there is away to do something like that.
Project hierarchy
Is there any consideration to move away from a project hierarchy in the API structure? By this I mean creating endpoints for tasks, users, floorplans etc, independent of projects. For example if a certain endpoint returned all records for a given API token regardless of project and didn't require project specific authentication, it would isolate each entity to its own stream which is helpful for streaming solutions using the API.
Schema support
In the future, would it be possible to add endpoints that will return the schema for any given entity (tasks, users, projects etc)? Is there any way to retrieve these schema dynamically right now?