How do I get form data through the API
How do I get form data through the API?
Fieldwire API for Creating Labels
I am currently working on creating projects using the Fieldwire API, and I've been following the instructions provided on the Fieldwire website. However, I've run into an issue when it comes to creating labels. It seems like I can only create labels within the Fieldwire app itself and not through an API call.
I was wondering if you could provide me with some guidance on how to create labels using the API?
Photos non enregistrées fans l'API et non rattachées à l'API
Ces deux dernières semaines, j'ai constaté que lors de l'édition d'un rapport, il manquait des photos à certaines tâches (une partie voir la totalité). Par exemple, ce mardi, il me manquait 62 photos sur 175 photos. Heureusement, celles-ci étaient bien toutes enregistrés sur mon mobile, mais n'ont pas été toutes transmise à l'API. J'ai dû les rattaché manuellement, soit 2h de perdues.
Remarque : j'utilise principalement Fieldwire en sous-sol, et il arrive que je ne suis plus connecté à Internet. Est-ce une des raisons ? Si c'est le cas, comment y remédier ?
Bien cordialement.
Connect ton PowerBI
When we try to connect API REST in PowerBI, we use this url :{file_uuid} (we replace file uuid with a project id number)
Upload a local file as a new attachment via api request
Using the Fieldwire UI, the "+ New File" button enables me to upload a file from disk, which appears to then be hosted from Fieldwire's own S3 bucket
custom form
I created an API from where i want to fetch data and insert it as a form in FIELDWIRE, should i start by :
combien de personnes peuvent chater ensemble sur le compte pro
combien de personnes peuvent chater ensemble sur le compte pro
Update a value inside a form
merge the export of Forms with the export of forms templates
Hello Fieldwire Team,
backfill for text markups
Is there a way to change the background color or fill color when creating markups on sheets? Im trying to add text information to prints but it very hard to read because the print shows through the markup.