
How to set up Webhook subscriptions in Fieldwire


This document covers an in-development feature and may be subject to change


Webhooks allow developers to be notified via API when changes occur in your Fieldwire projects. They can facilitate building integrations that respond real-time to changes, rather than checking for updates on a pre-determined cadence. Currently, creating and editing webhook subscriptions must also be done via API and will require providing a callback url. The callback URL is a URL that you own that will be the destination for notifications when updates occur in Fieldwire.

This document describes configuring the webhook subscriptions.

Webhook Subscriptions

The Webhook subscription is the Fieldwire entity that describes the settings for the notification. See below for details on how to read, create, update and delete Webhook subscriptions.

note: You may see some subscriptions set with an internal: true flag. These are subscriptions that are automatically generated by the Fieldwire platform for various integrations. These webhook subscriptions cannot be edited and do not count against your webhook subscription limit.

Create Subscription

To create a new subscription send a POST request to the subscriptions endpoint

url = "https://webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com/webhook/account/{{account_id}}/subscriptions"

body = {
  "description": {{description}},
  "post_url": {{post_url}},
  "subscription_status": {{subscription_status}},
	"entity_filters": [{{Entity.Action}}],
   "project_filters": [{{Project_ids}}]

Field explanations

Field NameDescriptionRequired
subscription_nameName of subscription, max length 50 charactersTRUE
descriptionDescription of subscription, max length 200 charactersTRUE
post_urlURL to post the event data toTRUE
subscription_statusWhether the subscription is active or not. Can either be "enabled" or "disabled"TRUE
entity_filtersAn array of entity filters that can be used to filter by entity type and action, max length is 20 entriesFALSE
project_filtersAn array of project ids that can be used to filter events by originating projects, max length is 100 entriesFALSE

Note: not all properties are required

Example request (cURL)

curl --location 'https://webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com/webhook/account/<Account ID>/subscriptions' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  --data '{
    "subscription_name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
    "description": "This is a demo subscription",
    "post_url": "https://Example.com/test",
    "subscription_status": "enabled"

Note: only required fields are shown


HTTP code 201

  "subscription_id": "76b770fe-59c3-47a1-b1fa-b2e529a44a6c",
  "subscription_name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
  "description": "This is a demo subscription",
  "post_url": "https://Example.com/test",
  "subscription_status": "enabled",
  "account_id": "<account_id>",
  "internal": false,
  "entity_filters": [],
	"project_filters": []

Update Subscription

To update an existing subscription send a PATCH request to the subscriptions endpoint using your subscription ID

url = "https://webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com/webhook/account/{{account_id}}/subscriptions/{{subscription_id}}"

body = {
  "description": {{description}},
  "post_url": {{post_url}},
  "subscription_status": {{subscription_status}}

note: any fields can be updated as needed, see above for field explanations

Example request (cURL)

curl --location --request PATCH 'https://webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com/webhook/account/<Account ID>/subscriptions/<Subscription ID>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  --data '{
    "subscription_name": "Updated Subscription Name"


HTTP response code 202

Get All Subscriptions

To see all subscriptions present on the account, make a GET call to the following endpoint

Example request (cURL)

curl --location 'https://webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com/webhook/account/{{account_id}}/subscriptions' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'


HTTP code 200

An array of json objects

    "subscription_id": "76b770fe-59c3-47a1-b1fa-b2e529a44a6c",
    "subscription_name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
    "description": "This is a demo subscription",
    "post_url": "https://Example.com/test",
    "subscription_status": "enabled",
    "account_id": "<account_id>",
    "internal": false,
    "entity_filters": [],
    "project_filters": [],

Delete Subscription

To delete an existing subscription, send a DELETE request to the subscriptions endpoint using your subscription ID

Example request (cURL)

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com/webhook/account/<account_id>/subscriptions/<subscription_id>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \


HTTP code 202

Get Single Subscription

To see a single subscription, make a GET call to the following endpoint using your subscription ID

Example request (cURL)

curl --location 'https://webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com/webhook/account/<account_id>/subscriptions/<subscription_id>' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'


  "subscription_id": "76b770fe-59c3-47a1-b1fa-b2e529a44a6c",
  "subscription_name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
  "description": "This is a demo subscription",
  "post_url": "https://Example.com/test",
  "subscription_status": "enabled",
  "account_id": "<account_id>",
  "internal": false,
  "entity_filters": [],
	"project_filters": [],


Note that similar to the core API, the Fieldwire webhook api is regionalized. Currently there are two supported regions:

US: webhook-api.us.fieldwire.com

EU: webhook-api.eu.fieldwire.com